Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Smilar Issues: 122 Record Found
Muscle Strength, Fatigue, Functional Capacity, and Proprioceptive Acuity in Patients With Fibromyalgia Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Platelet-Rich Plasma Applications Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of the Clinical Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Two Hyaluronan Preparations With Different Molecular Weights and a Methyl Prednisolone Acetate in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of the Relation Between Tibiofemoral Joint Osteoarthritis and Possible Risk Factors in Wome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Effect of Anterior Knee Pain on Strength, Functional Tests, Proprioception and Balance After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructio Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Rationalist Usage of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Medical Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Knee Proprioception and Balance in Turkish Women With and Without Fibromyalgia Syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of the Sensation of Proprioception Between Healthy Persons and Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is There an Effective way to Prescribe a Home-Based Exercise Program in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis? A Randomized Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Intra-Articular Corticosteroid and Hyaluronic Acid Injections in the Management of Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Functional Status of Knee in Faller or Non-Faller Female Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Efficacy of Topical Glucosamine Sulfate-Chondroitin Sulfate in Knee Osteoarthritis Treated With Physical Therapy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection of Hyaluronic Acid With Supplemental Peroral Vitamin E Following Arthroscopic Debridement in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: Primary and Secondary Causes Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Bilateral Avascular Necrosis of the Knee Due to Corticosteroid Therapy in a Patient With Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Anterovenous Malformatio Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Benefits of Home-Based Exercising Ability in Patients With Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor 23rd National Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Congress Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of the Efficacy of Whirlpool and Paraffin Treatments in Women with Symptomatic Hand Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Brachial Plexus Lesion Due to Pathological Fracture of Clavicle in a Patient With Primary Hyperparathyroidism Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Child With Transfemoral Amputation who had Congenital Insensitivity to Pain With Anhidrosis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Correlation of Spinal Mobility, Pain and Disability in Chronic Neck Pain Patients Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of Biofeedback Assisted Isometric Exercise and Electrical Stimulation on Pain, Anxiety and Depression Scores in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Spontaneous Knee Osteonecrosis: A Case Report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Aging Spine-Lumbar Degeneratio Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Isolated Knee Osteonecrosis Secondary to Corticosteroid Use in Two Patients with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of the Effectiveness of Concentric, Combined Concentric-Eccentric and Isometric Exercises on Symptoms and Functional Capacity in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Association Between Knee Osteoarthritis and Serum Cholesterol Levels Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ganglion Cyst of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament: A Case Report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Ankle and Foot Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Pain and Functional Parameters in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Current Treatment Approaches for Osteoarthritis in the Elderly Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of Lateral-Wedge Shoe Insoles on Pain and Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of Proprioception of Wrist in the Cases of the Hemiplegia After Cerebro Vascular Event (CVE) by Using Isokinetic System Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The Comparison of the Effects of Electrical Stimulation and Exercise in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Radiological Findings and Its Relation with Clinical Parameters in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effectiveness of Intraarticular Sodium Hyaluronate in Synchronous Treatment of Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of Clinical Efficacy of Intermittent and Continuous Cold Treatment in Acute Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Acute Septic Arthritis in Osteonecrosis of The Knee: Case Report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Anterior Knee Pai Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Intra-Articular Hyaluronic Acid in the Management of Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of Different Therapies on Articular Cartilage in Experimental Severe Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Factors Associated with Pain and Disability in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison of Ultrasound and Short Wave Diathermy Therapy in Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritinin Tedavisinde Selekoksib ve Diklofenak Sodyum Etkinliğinin Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritli Hastaların Tedavisinde İyontoforez ve Fonoforez Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Osteoartrit Tedavi Seçeneklerinin Maliyet Minimizasyonu Analizi ile Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartriti Olgularında Konsantrik Kuadriseps-Hamstring ve Konsantrik-Eksantrik Kuadriseps İzokinetik Egzersiz Programlarının Ağrı, Fonksiyonel Kapasite ve Kuadriseps Gücüne Etkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Romatoid Artrit ve Osteoartrit Hastalarında Laboratuvar Parametrelerinin Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Sinovyal Kondromatozis: Olgu Sunumu Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Olgu Sunumu: İdiyopatik Hipermobilite Sendromlu Hastada Erken Başlangıçlı Hemokromatik Artropati Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Osteomalazi ve Normokalsemik Primer Hiperparatiroidizm. Bir Olgu Sunumu Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Bone Mineral Density And Grade of Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritli Olgularda Diz Eklem Kompartmanlarının Kellgren-Lawrence Sistemiyle İncelenmesi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diabetik Gonartrozlu Hastaların Radyolojik Özellikleri Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Kalça Osteoartritinin Tedavisinde Hidroterapi Uygulamasının Yeri Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Yüksek Topuklu Ayakkabılar: Kalça ve Diz Osteoartriti Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Kronik Mekanik Bel Ağrılı Olgularda Spinal Mobilite, Ağrı ve Özürlülük İlişkisinin Değerlendirilmesi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Efficacy of Tramadol in Painful Knee Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Antropometrik Ölçümlere Göre Osteoartrozun Lokalizasyonunun Değerlendirilmesi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Osteoartritte Medikal Tedavi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Gonartrozlu Hastalarda Klinik Bulgularda Çeşitli Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçümleri Arasındaki İlişkiler Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Kadınlarda Dizde ve Elde Osteoartrit Birlikteliği ve Predispozan Faktörlerin Etkisi Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Hashimoto Tiroiditli ve Antropatili Bir Olgu Sunumu Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritinde İntra-Artiküler Sodyum-Hyalüronat Tedavisinin Çift-Kör Kontrollü Çalışması: Ön Çalışma Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Diz Osteoartritinin Rehabilitasyonunda Nöromuskuler Elektrik Stimulasyon ve Ev Egzersiz Programının Kantitatif Kas Güçlendirilmesi ve Fonksiyonel İyileşme Yönünden Karşılaştırılması Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Fibromiyalji ve Osteoartrozlu Hastaların Ağrı ile Başa Çıkma Davranışları Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Travmatik Omurilik Yaralanmalı Hastalarda Ağrı Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Quality of Life in Patients with Breast Cancer at Early Postoperative Period: Relationship to Shoulder Pain, Handgrip Strength, Disability, and Emotional Status Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Muscle Function of Lower Extremities in Children with Lumbar Spina Bifida: Impact on Functional Status Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Bone Morphogenetic Protein Levels in Osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Risk Factors of Symptomatic Knee, Hand and Hip Osteoarthritis in a Suburban Area of İzmir City Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor A Case Presenting with Anterior Knee Pain: Hoffa Disease Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Exercise Prescription for Painful Hip Disorders Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is Radiographic Severity of Knee Osteoarthritis Important for Detecting Differences in Physical Performance and Isokinetic Strength? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Application of kinesiotaping to treat symptomatic bipartite patella Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Impact of Hospital Rehabilitation on Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life after Total Knee Arthroplasty Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Comparison between Depression Levels of Women with Knee Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Controlled Study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Radiofrequency thermocoagulation on genicular nerves in chronic knee osteoarthritis: A pilot study for a new alternative therapy Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Determining Risk Factors in Cumulative Trauma Disorders of Computer Users and Effects of Risk Factors on Disability Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The influence of social and demographic features on functional level and quality of life after total knee arthroplasty Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Determining Risk Factors in Cumulative Trauma Disorders of Computer Users and Effects of Risk Factors on Disability Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Determining Risk Factors in Cumulative Trauma Disorders of Computer Users and Effects of Risk Factors on Disability Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effects of closed kinetic chain exercise on articular cartilage morphology: myth or reality? a randomized controlled clinical trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Serum magnesium level is not associated with inflammation patients with knee osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Migratory transient osteoporosis: atypical migration to the bilateral knee after childbirth Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Efficacy of subcutaneous lidocaine injections in patients with painful total knee arthroplasty Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of isokinetic, isometric, and aerobic exercises on clinical variables and knee cartilage volume using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of vitamin D levels on radiographic knee osteoarthritis and functional status Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Osteopathic manipulative treatment improves function and relieves pain in knee osteoarthritis: A single-blind, randomized-controlled trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Is there a relationship between venous insufficiency and knee osteoarthritis? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The relationship between body composition and knee osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Short-term efficacy of paraffin therapy and home-based exercise programs in the treatment of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Awareness, potential factors, and post-amputation care of stump flexion contractures among transtibial amputees Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of isokinetic muscle strengthening on balance, proprioception, and physical function in bilateral knee osteoarthritis patients with moderate fall risk Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effect of stress-induced cortisol increase on the sense of ankle proprioception Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effect of stress-induced cortisol increase on the sense of ankle proprioception Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of Tai Chi on partial anterior cruciate ligament injury: A single-blind, randomized-controlled trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Backward walking alters vastus medialis oblique/vastus lateralis muscle activity ratio in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Early improvement in physical activity and function after total hip arthroplasty: Predictors of outcomes Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effect of physical therapy and rehabilitation modalities on sleep quality in patients with primary knee osteoarthritis: A single-blind, prospective, randomized-controlled study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Shortest time interval for detecting the progression of knee osteoarthritis on consecutive X-rays Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Fast-track rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty reduces length of hospital stay: A prospective, case-control clinical trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Prevalence, etiology, and biopsychosocial risk factors of cervicogenic dizziness in patients with neck pain: A multi-center, cross-sectional study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Streptococcus mitis septic arthritis after leucocyte-rich platelet-rich plasma injection for the knee osteoarthritis: A case report Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of neuromuscular training on knee pain, function, and fall risk in women with early knee osteoarthritis: A randomized-controlled trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Serum netrin-1 and netrin receptor levels in fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Prescription of knee braces after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Fact or fiction? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor FokI polymorphism in the vitamin D receptor gene in patients with hip osteoarthritis: A case-control study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Evaluation of the effects of dexamethasone iontophoresis, galvanic current, and conservative treatment on pain and disability in patients with knee osteoarthritis and Baker`s cyst Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Central sensitization in osteoarthritic knee pain: A cross-sectional study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Can isokinetic test be a supportive tool for unilateral knee arthroplasty decision? Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The relationship between inadequate response to physical therapy and central sensitization in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A prospective cohort study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effectiveness of peroneal nerve stimulation combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation in the management of knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled single-blind study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Developing a common metric using current scales for assessing functioning in patients with knee osteoarthritis Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor The effect of combined hydrolyzed type 2 collagen, methylsulfonylmethane, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate supplementation on knee osteoarthritis symptoms Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effect of platelet-rich plasma injections versus placebo on pain and quality of life in patients with hip osteoarthritis: A double-blind, randomized clinical trial Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Clinical effect of acupuncture on knee osteoarthritis and its effect on p38 MAPK signaling pathway Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor Effects of intra-articular versus peri-articular dextrose prolotherapy in knee osteoarthritis: A clinical trial study Turkish Abstract Abstract Full Text:PDF Similar Articles Mail to Author Mail to Editor