Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1998 , Vol 1 , Num 2

Spinal Kord Yaralanmalı Hastalarımızın Taburcu Olduktan Sonra Karşılaştıkları Sosyal ve Tıbbi Problemler

Nil Çağlar Sayıner 1 ,Kadriye Çetinkaya 2 ,Meltem Esenyel 3 ,Berrin Gündüz 4
1 Sağlık Bakanlığı İstanbul Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye
2 Vakıf Gureba Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniği, İstanbul
3 SSK Vakıf Gureba Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniği, İstanbul
4 İstanbul Fiziksel Tedavi Rehabilitasyon Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye

Medical and social problems of our spinal cord injured patients after being discharged from the hospital.
We did a survey conducted by questionnaire in order to defect the medicosocial problems faced by our spinal cord injured patients after being discharged home. 25 patients with spinal cord injuries who had received rehabilitation as in patients over the period 1993-1995 were asked to come for a follow up. 12 (48%) of the patients came to the hospital and 7 (28%) of them answered the questionnaire on the phone. 3 patients were from Çeçenistan. 3 patients 812%) were dead.
The questionnaire included occupation before and after the injury, sources of social help, architectural barrieres in and about the house, level of spinal cord injury and Frankel level were noted. The complications were investigated.
In conclusion the mean age was 32,4. 10 (40%) of the patients had cervical, 11 (44%) had thoracal, 4 (16%) had lumbar lesions. Onlay 1 (5%) of the 14 (63,6) patients who were employed before the injury could go back to work, 10 (52%) patients became unemployed. 63,4 % of patients were not receiveng any source of social help. 52 % of patients looked after by their spouses. Toilets and lifts are the most common architecturel barrieres the patients mentioned. Staphylococcus aureus (21 %) and enterobacter (21 %) were the most common causes of urinary tract infections detected during their stay at the hospital. The most common complications were pressure ulcers (36 %) spasticity 827 %) and psychological problems (27 %).

Keywords : Spinal cord injured patient, social and medical problems, follow uf after being discharged.